Thursday, August 6, 2009

HomeoPahty --A nice tratment

We may introduce with the medical treatment of Homeopathy system.

Homeopathy a system of medicine that owes its origin to the German physician Samuel Hahneman, who in 1796 proposed the principle that served as the foundation of the system. The doctrine is based on the effect of drugs on healthy persons. It states that when a drug is administered in large doses to a healthy individual, the symptoms that it would produce would cure the same symptoms when administered in very small amounts. The scientific basis of this hypothesis has not been seriously investigated since it was first postulated. In homeopathic system one sees that drugs are used in extremely diluted form, and their use over the years on very large number of subjects has established some cause-and-effect relationship between use and cure. This has encouraged its practice in various parts of the world. It was introduced in the USA in 1825 and although discouraged, there it is still practised. In developing countries it represents a major treatment option for the poor.

A cut -pest from banglapedia

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Green Home

I and we should work for green Home system.

THe works are :

1. save lands for future children.

2. Future children are to be in controlled desire .

3.Love Green trees like love childrens.

4.Learn how trees and grasses raised in good shape.

5. Believe that we can not create ourselves as well as we can not create children and green trees.

6. Promiess ownself that i shall obey the Creator of the nature.

7. Again believe that the nature will give same return as I treated with nature.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sky bird and the Tree

Please try to name these wonderful creature in this picture.

1.The bird
2.The tree
3.The SKY !!

Monday, July 20, 2009

NOVA.......the leagend bangla band music

NOVA ....i say its my heart.
It raised my dream to color my music mind.
It build my 'home of mind' one time and it is lasting still now.
Here is a song that colored me .


courtesy :

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The 'eye' price OF fasion !

The picture shows fear of what ?

Price should be determine among the sight with feeling.

Fashion brings ME where ?

Price of RIGHT


Right of price !

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Temparature 44

Hot weather running in dhaka. Temprature is 34 ,feels like 44*c.

anyhow i want to draw few words in copied jpeg pictures.

please wait.............

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

bleeding !!

Good Evening.

Not a good time for me.

ask me why:----------------------

because my 1yr old daughter cut her a finger by coil holder.
bleeding too much. went to my doctor , he dressed her well, but her crying make so sad, cant sleep now.
She is OK now sleeping.
making my blog , looks sad starting.
but , thanks for visiting